Wednesday, December 27, 2017 | Assisted Living
Making the decision about if and when to move to an assisted living residence is a process of finding answers to questions. Which support services do I need to better enjoy my life? What does my doctor recommend? And my family? Which activities are important to me?...
Thursday, November 16, 2017 | Assisted Living, Caregivers, Nutrition, Senior Care, senior living
The signs may be subtle: You feel exhausted during normal tasks, or you nap more throughout the day. If fatigue becomes extreme, you should see a physician. But unfortunately, fatigue is a normal part of growing older – caused by lower muscle mass, changes in your...
Thursday, October 5, 2017 | Assisted Living, Caregivers, Senior Care, senior living
Did you ever change schools when you were growing up? If so, you probably remember the fear that accompanied being a “new kid.” Or maybe you recall similar feelings when you started a new job. Your confidence took a hit, and you had to learn new processes. If you are...
Monday, September 11, 2017 | Assisted Living, Nutrition, senior living
Her senior year of high school, Rosalyn was elected homecoming queen and head cheerleader. She attended college and spent a semester in Paris. After earning her degree, Rosalyn taught hundreds of first graders how to read and subtract until she retired 25 years ago...
Tuesday, August 1, 2017 | Assisted Living, Senior Care
Throughout your life, you’ve made a lot of big decisions: where to attend college, which job offer to take, which house to buy. With each choice, you carefully researched the options so that you could make an informed decision. Choosing where to spend your retirement...
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