I know we all have been there, in a situation where a decision needs to be made, nobody wants to be the one to speak up for fear of making someone else upset or you honestly haven’t been in this scenario before so you aren’t sure and so on…….Guess what? YOU and only YOU are in charge of what you do, where you go and what you say. Unless under a special circumstance you assign those privileges to someone you trust. . Otherwise if your family, your physician or you decide on your own that it’s time for you to consider an assisted living facility be sure to make a list, check it twice and go see all of them IN PERSON. Have a list of questions, not sure what to ask? Ask someone you trust for help. Go physically meet and speak with staff and current residents at other facilities and get their feedback. It will help to educate yourself as to what to expect. Get a sense of where it feels more like home. Check out their websites, review the comments and take your time to really think about where will MY NEW HOME be !?!  The process can be overwhelming and stressful but that is what people like myself are here to help you with. Answer your questions, show you in person, in black and white every answer to anything you might think of. It can actually be a very rewarding experience, and it should be!  Bottom line, we are here to help people stay as independent, healthy and happy as long as they can…..and THAT is OUR PRIVILEGE!!!!