What is THE VILLAS OF JACKSON? We provide a community structure with individual apartments to help maintain ones independence for our residents, we also disperse their medications to them according to their doctors orders. We provide wound care and have physical therapists come in and work with those that have the orders as needed from their doctor. We want our community to know every resource available to those that choose to live here. If you have had a recent fall, getting a little confused if you’re taking your medication properly or need some assistance with your mobility by cane, walker or wheelchair, we are here to assist with those needs.

Were you aware that the state of Missouri only requires an assisted living facility have a nurse on staff a minimum of 8 hours a week? The Villas Of Jackson, an Assisted Living Facility, has nurses on staff on average 80 hours a week! That’s right “80 hours per week”.  We also have 3 Certified Med Techs, 9 Med Aides and several other staff to help with our residents. The numbers are proof how serious we take our resident care.  I have been asked if we are a nursing home, a skilled facility or memory care facility. We are none of those, but the future is bright and we are growing so I always encourage the people I meet to ask us questions, educate yourself and your family. Let us know if The Villas will be the right fit for your needs.

Assisted Living living area in furnished one bedroom apartmentAssisted Living furnished apartment respite and rehab stays